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recall Exam switcher
recall Time scroll
recall Aux switch

Keyboard controls

Action Shortcut
Scrolling Mouse wheel
Windowing CTRL + left click/drag
Panning ALT + left click/drag
Zooming ALT + right click/drag
Centering SHIFT + left click/drag
Move ROI SHIFT + left click/drag
Fullscreen Double click
Action Shortcut
Time left / right keys
Switch case CTRL + left / right keys

Exam switcher


This allows switching between exams of the same patient. The and buttons switch to the previous and next exam, sorted by time. The center button lets you jump to a particular exam.

Time scroll

Time scroll animation

Select the timepoint to display. While scrolling, a preview of the current viewports will be displayed. When you let go, the full volume will begin to load in. While loading, the tool is disabled.

Aux switch

This dropdown behavior depends on the type of case you're viewing. It can either switch to an alternate volume to display in the main three viewports (eg, a subtraction volume), or it can pick a volume to display in the auxiliary viewport on the bottom left (eg a heatmap).



Extras dropdown

This dropdown menu contains a handful of extra tools. They are ordinarily only accessible to staff.


These will rotate a case in the Axial plane in place by 90 degrees. This can be used to fix cases that were reconstructed with the wrong orientation.


Duplicates this case and initiates processing on the new case. This can be used to complete processing on a case that needed to be rotated.

Reset viewers

Reset the viewers back to the center of the volume.

Toggle free MPR rotation

Clicking on this unlocks the crosshairs to enable free rotation of the volume. Click again to disable rotation and return to in-plane views. While this is turned on, several tools are disabled:

  • Timepoint slider
  • Annotation adding

Add elliptical ROI, Add probe annotation

These both toggle annotation tools. When either is turned on, click (and with ellipses, drag) to create new annotations.

Find annotation


This button displays a list of annotations. Click on an annotation to select and scroll a viewport to display it.

Rename annotation

Give the selected annotation a more descriptive name.

Duplicate annotation

Duplicates the selected annotation in-place. Drag the new annotation to move it to a new location.

Flip annotation

Flips the annotation across the sagittal plane.

Delete annotation

Deletes an annotation.

Save session

Saves the current annotations.

Load session


This opens a menu to either switch to a different session, or create a new one. Each session has its own set of annotations on a particular case.

Reset view

Resets the pan and zoom on the viewport

Create Finding

Take a screenshot of the viewport and store as a finding



Findings are displayed along the right hand side. Click on a finding to open a full-page viewer.

Locate finding

Moves the relevant viewport to the same slice as the finding.

Edit finding

Add a description to the finding.

Delete finding

Delete the finding permanently.


Send the finding as a DICOM Secondary Capture to the configured destination server


findings The chart graphs intensity or average intensity over time. The vertical line indicates the current time point displayed in the volume viewports. Using the upper-right dropdown box, you can switch between displaying the median, mean, or ptp (the difference between the brightest and darkest pixel) for ROIs. The other dropdown allows "zeroed" or "normalized" display:

  • zeroed: For each annotation, subtract the value at the first timepoint from the rest of the values. This shifts all of the traces up or down to start at 0.
  • normalized: Rescale each trace vertically so its lowest value is 0 and highest value is 1.

Download CSV: Downloads a CSV file containing the data displayed.

Create Finding: Create a finding from this chart.